Theme Park Studio For Mac

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  • Theme Park is a strategy game about running your amusement park developed by Bullfrog Productions and published by Electronic Arts in 1994 for Mac, 3DO, Amiga, and DOS. It was ported to several other platforms over the years, including the one I initially played it on, Sega Genesis.
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Theme Park Studio 简介:

Theme Park Studio for Mac《主题公园工作室》是一款模拟经营类游戏,可让玩家设计,制作和体验令人惊叹的自己设计的游乐园。玩家可以构建他们想象的任何东西,然后在线分享,以供其他人体验。

您现在可以浏览公园,游乐设施,自定义风景和由社区构建的环境库,而无需离开程序。还有一个新的“发布”功能,可直接从Theme Park Studio上传您的作品。

“进入公园”功能通过让玩家虚拟参观社区建成的公园来增加一个新维度。玩家可以乘坐过山车,平板游戏,卡丁车等等。借助Vive,Oculus Rift和OSVR的VR支持,虚拟乐园的体验被提升到一个全新的水平。


Theme Park Studio is a new Roller Coaster/Theme Park simulation game coming out April 2014 Theme Park Studio is a powerful suite of tools that allows players to design build and experience stunning amusement parks of their own design.


主题公园工作室在我们推出定制平板车设计师时揭开了新的一页。这个独特的模块允许设计,构建和发明定制游乐设施。物理可以应用于通过自定义关节连接的对象。接下来,将动画应用于这些物理对象。动画属性包括:扭矩,力,阻尼扭矩,阻尼力,位置,旋转和比例。借助此功能,您可以使用Theme Park Studio创建的平面游乐设施的数量几乎是无限的!如果建设自定义的平面游乐设施不是你的事,没问题,只需从我们预建的游乐设施库中选择即可。只需点击一下鼠标,就可以直接进入您的公园,内置完整的物理和动画。

接下来,填写您的公园与餐馆,礼品店,浴室等。您可以选择我们内置的图书馆,或下载自定义网格,并导入它们以最大限度地自定义。用我们的程序植物图书馆将您的公园变成一个美丽,风景如画的环境。只需轻轻点击树木,树篱,灌木丛和花坛,就能在风中微微摇摆。使用我们的粒子效果引擎,添加喷泉,烟花,烟雾和火炬进行最后的碰触。最后,向客人开放公园,观看您的公园窥视,并骑你的定制杯垫和平板游乐设施。您还可以通过您的公园进行第一人称虚拟游览,并体验您自己的游乐设施。主题公园很容易保存和存档。您可以将它们上传到即将推出的Theme Park Studio过山车交换网站之一。主题公园工作室是一个为社区建造的产品,玩家可以真正建造他们梦想中的游乐园。

  • 蒸汽车间集成。玩家现在可以简单地浏览公园,游乐设施,自定义风景和环境的图书馆,只需点击几下,即可沉浸在虚拟主题公园世界中!您还可以将自定义构建的公园直接发布到Steam Workshop以与Steam社区共享!
  • 自定义过山车创作。玩家可以弯曲,拉动和舒展过山车到他们希望的任何设计中。如果需要,预制模板将作为助手提供
  • 自定义平面游乐设施。从头开始设计自己的平坦旅程,或者从我们预建的驾驶图书馆中选择。
  • 公园客人:打开公园后,观看公园客人(窥视)游览你的主题公园,并跳上你的过山车和平板游乐设施。
  • 网格导入:构建您自己的环境对象并导入它们以实现最大程度的自定义。
  • 粒子效应,包括火焰,烟雾,喷泉,烟花和天气影响。我们的粒子效果模块非常灵活,可以让玩家创造出各种各样的效果。粒子可以触发设置节目或像飞溅在水中飞溅。
  • 景观美化:导入你自己的高度贴图和纹理来创建令人惊叹的景观,或者自定义雕刻你自己的设计。
  • 水:控制水的参数,如速度,水平,颜色和波纹大小。
  • 植被:我们的引擎具有先进的植被解决方案。我们专有的技术可以让玩家构建从草地到精致橡木的一切。树木是程序化生成的,可以通过定制的风和湍流设置进行控制。这项技术

Theme Park Studio is a powerful suite of tools that allows players to design, build, and experience stunning amusement parks of their own design. Players can build whatever they can imagine, and then share it online for others to experience.

Theme Park Studio includes Steam Workshop integration. You can now browse through libraries of Parks, Rides, Custom Scenery, and Environments built by the community, without ever leaving the program. There is also a new ‘Publish’ feature, for uploading your creations directly from Theme Park Studio.

The ‘Enter Park’ feature adds a new dimension by allowing players to take a virtual tour of community built parks. Players can ride coasters, flat rides, Go Karts, and more. With VR support for Vive, Oculus Rift, and OSVR, the virtual park experience is taken to a whole new level.

Using our rich toolset, players begin by sculpting their terrain, creating lakes, rivers, and raising knolls and mountains. Next, the opening gate is set and paths are placed with our easy path tools. No staggered or sharp edges here, just smoothly curved pathways procedurally built on the fly. With the click of a button, fences are created, stairs are generated, and trees are procedurally placed. Now it’s time to build some rides. Coaster creation is both easy and flexible. Coaster rails can be bent, twisted, and shaped into almost any design imaginable. Add brakes, accelerators, tunnels, or have the coaster scream through a custom mesh, like a volcano. There is virtually no limit to what you can come up with. Prefabricated template pieces are also provided as helpers. Want to add a batwing or cobra roll? Simply click the icon and it will drop right in. All the power combined with all the ease of use.

Theme Park Studio broke new ground when we unveiled our custom flat ride designer. This unique module allows to design, build, and invent custom rides. Physics can be applied to objects connected by custom joints. Next, animations are applied to these physics objects. Animation properties include, Torque, Force, Dampen Torque, Dampen Force, Position, Rotation, and Scale. With this functionality the number of flat rides you can create with Theme Park Studio is virtually unlimited! If building custom flat rides is not your thing, no problem, simply select from our library of pre-built rides. In just one click, the ride drops right in to your park, with full physics and animation built in.

Theme Park Studio Download

Next, fill out your park with restaurants, gift shops, bathrooms, etc.. You can pick from our built in libraries, or download custom meshes and import them for maximum customization. Turn your park into a stunning, picturesque environment with our procedural vegetation libraries. With a simple click drop in trees, hedges, bushes, and flower beds, that subtly sway in the wind. Using our particle effects engine, add fountains, fireworks, smoke, and torches for the final touch. Finally, open the park to guests and watch the peeps tour your park and ride your custom coasters and flat rides. You can also take a first person virtual tour through your park, and experience your own rides. Theme Parks are easily saved and archived. You can upload them to one of the Theme Park Studio coaster exchange sites that will be coming out soon. Theme Park Studio is a product built for the community where players can truly build the amusement park of their dreams.

Theme Park Studio features include:
  • Steam Workshop Integration. Players can now simply browse through libraries of Parks, Rides, Custom Scenery, and Environments, and with a couple clicks, become immersed in a virtual theme park world! You can also publish your custom built parks directly to Steam Workshop to share with the Steam community!
  • Custom coaster creation. Players can bend, pull, and stretch coasters into any design they wish. Prefabricated templates are provided as helpers, if desired
  • Custom Flat Rides. Design your own flat ride from the ground up, or select from our pre-built ride library.
  • Park guests: After opening your park, watch park guests (peeps) tour your theme park and hop on your coasters and flat rides.
  • Mesh importing: Build your own environmental objects and import them for maximum customization.
  • Particle effects, including fire, smoke, fountains, fireworks, and weather effects. Our particle effects module is very versatile, allowing the player to create a wide range of effects. Particles can have triggers for setting up shows or like coasters splashing through water.
  • Landscaping: Import your own height maps and textures to create stunning landscapes, or custom sculpt one of your own design.
  • Water: Control water parameters like speed, level, color, and ripple size.
  • Vegetation: Our engine features an advanced vegetation solution. Our proprietary technology allows players to build everything from grass to elaborate oaks. Trees are procedurally generated and can be controlled by custom wind and turbulence settings. This technology has been integrated into Theme Park Studio.
  • Oculus Rift Support: Due to overwhelming requests for this support, we are proud to announce this cutting edge technology will be included in all versions of Theme Park Studio.

    Theme Park Studio has been in development for 4 years and integrates our proprietary game engine and IDE used in the serious games industry.

Theme Park Studio Pc Game



Theme Park Studio Custom Creations

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