R Studio For Mac Os Unable To Locate Binary After Install

Active7 years, 4 months ago

I have a mac with version 10.9.4 so i selected RStudio 0.98.1028 - Mac OS X 10.6+ (64-bit) to download. I already have R installed on my laptop that is the most recent version. Upon downloading RStudio, I open RStudio-0.98.1028.dmg which opens a window containing an image of the Mac applications folder and the RStudio symbol. Thanks Josh, the problem with mine seems to be the R installation onto a laptop with multiple user accounts. R works ok for me but R Studio can't seem to find the files it needs. Importing data into R is a necessary step that, at times, can become time intensive. To ease this task, RStudio includes new features to import data from: csv, xls, xlsx, sav, dta, por, sas and stata files. After going to this website, click on MacOS X and then click on R-2.13.1.pkg to download R. After installing R, try running RStudio again and it should be working. After installing R, try running RStudio again and it should be working.

I have spent a lot of time trying to solve this, but still no luck. I am trying to get Rgraphviz to work with R 2.14.1 on a Max OS X Lion

R studio for mac os unable to locate binary after install chrome

These are the steps I took in order to install and use Rgraphviz on Mac OS X Lion:

  1. Installed graphviz via: sudo port install graphviz

  2. Checked that the installation was successful : pkg-config --modversion libgvc

Result: 2.28.0 <- That means its OK

Under R 2.14.1

source('http://www.bioconductor.org/biocLite.R') biocLite('Rgraphviz')

Whenever I try to use the library I get the following error

Some things I notice

  • The graphviz suggested in the 'help' file is 2.26.3 and the graphviz installed by Mac Ports is 2.28.0, but as it is a newer version I don't think this makes a difference, and besides I can not find v 2.26.3
  • Suggestion number (3) seems to be the key, but I can't find/don't have a bin directory under graphbiz

Also when I run a locate Rgraphviz.so there are no results.

Any clue towards a solution will be much appreciated, Thanks a lot!

Paul Hiemstra
50.1k10 gold badges118 silver badges136 bronze badges
JordanBelfR Studio For Mac Os Unable To Locate Binary After InstallJordanBelf
1,5545 gold badges32 silver badges69 bronze badges

2 Answers

Thanks for the final answer, the installation seems to work for me! (I still have to check that the package runs properly). Just a quick observation: Graphviz was installed in /usr/local on my machine so that the above command had to be entered as follows:

Paul Hiemstra
50.1k10 gold badges118 silver badges136 bronze badges

One more fail point. If you used Fink to install graphviz, you may still, like me, encounter separate build errors even after you use the configure arguments to point to graphviz, which now look like:

The installation will fail during build errors for LL_funcs.c because it is looking for libraries that do not install unless you ALSO install graphviz-dev. You will see this:

R Studio For Mac Os Unable To Locate Binary After Install Itunes

followed by many more build errors of course. Just be sure to


R Studio For Mac Os Unable To Locate Binary After Install Google

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